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Hidden Faces

October 2019

Wood, Paper, Neopixels

There is a common Japanese proverb that suggests every person has three faces. The first face is what is shown to the world, while the second is only shown to close friends or family. The third face is hidden from everyone, and it is the truest expression of a person. This lamp mirrors that idea, appearing to be a simple paper lantern by day. However, in the quiet calm of the night, its true nature is revealed. A few façades are symmetrical and uniform in nature, akin to what the family commonly perceives. The other faces are cracked and scarred, expressing the damage that we all hide inside. These faces are critical to the structure of the lantern, but remain out of sight until the inner glow of the soul bares them to the world.


This piece served as the inspiration for Triangulation, which further explored the shaping of triangular facets as a means of uniformly connecting different personas.

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