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The Future of Problem Solving

February 2022

Wood, Resin, Acrylic, PLA, Neopixels

In light of the current concerns about digital evolution, this piece was created to inspire conversation about the relationship between technology and humanity. The current dynamic is one of subjugation, where defunct technology is easily discarded. There is a growing concern that one day, that identity will become inverted, and humans will become slaves to their devices. This sculpture implies there is a middle-ground between these extremes, where an implicit level of trust, communication, and cooperation is required to solve the Rubik’s Cube puzzle, achieving harmony between the opposing sides of humanity and technology.


Much alike its message, this sculpture was created with a combination of digital and physical fabrication techniques, reflecting my own ambitions to combine disjointed mediums and forge a new kinship between them.


This sculpture was featured in the B.E.A.T. (Boulder Experiments in Art and Technology) exhibit at the Museum of  Boulder (Oct 2021 - Feb 2022)​

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